Thursday, February 12, 2009

February 12th, 2009

I can barely even call this a news day in the first place. At the head of this here, I'm going to pimp out Kiva. It's a rad service where you supply microloans to developing nations. It's almost always profitable, albeit slightly, and it helps people develop their businesses... it's good stuff. Feel good, get money. C'mon!


Not too impressed on RCRD LBL today, although the East Hundred MP3 is really quality.

New Estelle! Ever since seeing her live, I've been madly in love. Doesn't disappoint. Kanye's blog offers lots of other goodies; there's Jada's new mixtape (the link is all messed up, here's the accurate one), there's new Busta Rhymes... Thank heavens for Kanye's blog.

Because aside from that and the good King Khan news, that's pretty much it. It has been a slow, slow music day.


SXSW has some new additions in the form of 500 Days of Summer and Treevenge.

Is it just me, or is the Scott Pilgrim casting very wonderful?

If you care enough about G.I. Joe to go all Transformers-hype and analyze the action figures, I have a link for you. Everybody else, well, the link's still for you, since you can scoff freely at the whole "toys as trailers" phenomenon.


Everybody's talking about this Pheonix/Letterman thing. It's as uncomfortable as an episode of the British Office, but it's, like, real an' stuff. UPDATE: Link may not work; CBS is trying desperately to pull it, but just look around and clips are easy to find. If he has a crazy-man beard, you're in the right place.

There's a promotional "old-school" Watchmen video game.

Starship child-protectors?


The New York Times reports that Pakistan is backtracking on its connection to the Mumbai attacks.


Today was a peculiar mix of great and bad. I slept in a bit, too exhausted for work, and when I woke up, a ray of sun was basically caressing me. It was wonderful. And the weather here in Austin- Divine! T-shirt weather again at last. Throw in some candid conversations with rad professors and a great episode of Lost, and it explains why I was able to bounce back from the SXSW rejection e-mail. I'm not angry; it's not personal.

Jada's new mixtape is pretty raw, in the good way, not gonna lie.

2009 FILMS SEEN: 1.5
Current Computer Situation: MacBook Pro, comfortable.

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