Okay, first we've got:
(Slowest News Day of 2009)
A Gorillaz doc comes out soon, which Pitchfork calls unwatchable for whatever reason. Looks lo-fi to be sure, but fun. Oh well, their CFCF review is pretty dead-on. I'm excited for more CFCF to drop.
New Weezy mixtape, new OJ Da Juiceman video... illroots knows how I do. G5 Clive's mixtape is also pretty kickass.
I'd officially love to see $9.99.
Dear Nicholas Cage: You look like a buffoon.
The number of chronically hungry people has topped one billion.
The situation in Mexico is terrifying.
I'm in a bad period of life to be concerned about the apocalypse.
And sure, all signs are pointing to crisis (which seems, evidently, to be normal) but I just don't feel it. And I'm thankful for that, but also a little confused. Mexican drug cartels, environmental disaster, the possible collapse of our economy, yeah, it's all scary. But here, Wheatsville just opened its new extension, my film career looks bright, my apartment is on the horizon: I'm planning for the future despite all this angst and anxiety.
Am I on the right track? Is it good to avoid the terrified hype, or am I living in a dream world that's set up to collapse? I honestly can't be sure anymore. It's the oddest form of schizophrenia and I'm having trouble adapting.
Anyway, I guess I'll just keep moving forward. There's no use in getting swept up in doomcasting and frightened mentality. I'm just hoping things don't all blow up.
Odd month to review.
Most Interesting, Music:
Anamanaguchi's new album is available entirely for free.
Most Interesting, Film:
SXSW went down, and was awesome.
Water is on fire.
Biggest World Event:
With Clinton's trip to Mexico, the drug war against cartels is receiving lots of national attention.
Best Song:
Anamanaguchi, "Mermaid"
Best Film:
Make-Out with Violence
First off, apologies for just how damn long it's been since I've reviewed anything at all.
Anamanaguchi, Dawn Metropolis
It's hard for me to review this in a "fair" way. You and I aren't going to see eye to eye on this album, that's for sure, unless "you" have been rabidly devouring chip music since halfway through high school. It's a genre that many are unfamiliar with, and it forces me to divide this review in half.
For chip music afficionados: This is exactly what you wanted from Anamanaguchi. It's as compositionally strong as anything they've ever done, it's orgasmically devoid of all the current hipster-electronica fashions plaguing some recent chiptunes releases, and ultimately it's just really good chip. Some have argued that it's inferior to Power Supply, but that's really not true - not to criticize Power Supply, but it's a niche album, where Dawn Metropolis maintains the sound and vibe but with enough variance in structure and style to land broader appeal. Wouldn't THAT be something?
For the chiptune-uninitiated: This is a solid, fun album from a band that's been developing their sound for quite a while. It's really fast-paced and really sunshiney (well, for the most part) which might throw you off at first - songs may sound too similar on first listen, but as you notice the nuances and changes, you'll find more and more rewarding depth. Standout closer "Mermaid" may be where you want to start, honestly: it's sort of a prog-rock epic if prog-rock epics happened in Gameboy games.
Man, it has been a rollercoaster month. In like a lion, out like a lamb, right? I friggin' hope so, at least.
2009 FILMS SEEN: 15
Current Computer Situation: MacBook Pro, bouncing.
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