Wednesday, January 21, 2009

January 21st, 2009


Say what you want about Pitchfork being snobbish pricks or whatever- when they have a good target, it's solid gold. (I'm still waiting for a return to "we-rate-your-album-with-monkey-piss" form, though) In addition, they've got a ton of Animal Collective goodies. Yum! Oh, and Clap Your Hands Say Yeah are taking a break.

DiS interviews Fanfarlo. The little youtube bits sound fantastic; I'm excited about this one. Also, the Joy Formidable sound so rad that I've pre-ordered their album outright. And BLK JKS! What a day to be DiS.

Fader's freeloading some OJ Da Juiceman.

Fun shit over on Disco Dust! Their Phantoms track is groovy, and same goes for the Treasure Fingers remixes.


Slash has on the scoop on a very well-done bit of Watchmen promotional material.

AICN has some rumblings on the live-action Bebop.


Spectacle begets spectacle; the First Lady's hair stylist is getting a reality television show. Worth it because, well, I can call her the First Lady now.

Kanye, uh, really wants ripped jeans. He also predicts the future.


I'll keep it simple: the New York Times has an outstanding write-up of Obama's first day.


Slightly busy day. Scratch that... ridiculously busy. Classes, walking around everywhere, going to Wheatsville... what an odd day. Oh, and people are working on the thermostat at last!

But I need sleep, so that bit will suffice.

2009 FILMS SEEN: 1
Current Computer Situation: MacBook Pro, still cold. But not for long?

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