Monday, January 26, 2009

January 26th, 2009


TMT makes the new Dälek album out to be pretty great; I think I'll check it out.

Pitchfork has a new, albeit lo-lo-lo-lo-fi, Wrens track.

Lil Wayne's Prom Queen single off his upcoming rock album is leaking everywhere. Spoiler alert: It's really awful.

Just the pick-me-up I needed: new Asobi Seksu video.

Paste interviews PB&J.

YV's new track is a shitload of fun. Also on Fader, a track whose context makes it tragic.

Kanye's blog had a lot of treats over the weekend. That drama-licious Rick Ross track is up. After seeing The Wrestler and thinking about its application to some rap, I feel like Ross is doing 50 a favor. Also, a new N.A.S.A. video!


Rotten Tomatoes has a clip from the phenomenal-looking mafia flick Gomorrah.

Gears of War trilogy? Sounds rad! By the Underworld dude? Too bad.

Hilary Duff will star in a Bonnie and Clyde reimagining? Worst idea ever, indeed.

Tintin casting is out of the bag.

/Film also makes me drool over Gilliam's Zero Theorem.


Black lips were in some big shit, but are now totally okay.

A fantastic side-scroller Zelda. Damn you, indie gaming, and your lack of Mac love!

Thorough album analyses are delicious.


Bolivia has a new, leftist constitution.

The BBC is refusing to air an appeal for Gaza aid in order to maintain "impartiality." The public is responding with outrage.


It's been a long, busy, and exhausting day. Also, I am evidently the only guy who finds Hustle and Flow to be a bad film.

Lots of work, so not much to say right now.

2009 FILMS SEEN: 1.5
Current Computer Situation: MacBook Pro, tired period.

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