Wednesday, January 28, 2009

January 28th, 2009


Holy sweet Jesus fuck, I really like the Jeremey Jay that Fader is freeloading. If only, y'know, the download actually worked. (Functioning download is here for now) Gonna buy this album for sure though.

Also via Fader, I don't really know what this is, but I know it sounds incredible. Oh, and the Pill freeload is hella rad, so I'll be getting that mixtape when it drops. If it's this quality, I'll be hyping the hell out of this.

The Dark Was the Night compilation already sounds great (Byrne-featuring Dirty Projectors opener "Knotty Pine" is one of my favorite songs of 2009 so far) and now their Myspace, which has been streaming tracks all nice and sequentially, drops a rad-ass Grizzly Bear/Feist delight. Dark and intricate, like it damn well should be.

Pitchfork rallies the indie-rock troops with tales of Billboard success. Also, their free Real Estate MP3 is, well, worth getting excited about. It's good stuff.

Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha, MTV doesn't want to admit that it likes Lil Wayne's leaks! This is so adorable. It's like watching a kid who got into the cookie jar; he's done something very wrong, but he's trying so hard to avoid it that it's almost endearing. Something tells me that upon the release of Rebirth, I'll be weeping and gnashing my teeth while I listen to Tha Carter III and wonder where it all went wrong.

Speaking of Weezy's leaks, new theory: these backing tracks are pretty uninspired/derivative, right? Well, has anybody wondered if... What I mean is... Could Weezy be using Songsmith?

Also on Kanye's blog, a N.A.S.A. track. These are pretty love it or hate it for me. This one? I love it. I feel like this is from some bizarre Parappa sequel starring Ghostface. Is it weird to be namechecking a mid-90s arcade game? Well, compare the production values on this MP3 and that game, then draw your own conclusions on how large my sleep deficit is.


Sucker for teacher dramas that I am, I would probably have seen The Class anyway, but Paste's hearty approval makes it all the more exciting. They also endorse Che... I need to see it again, soon, and as one piece. Read some interviews first.

New Watchmen still. This movie definitely has us all by the shorthairs.

WWZ concept art looks gory.

Wolverine reshoot photos have been snagged, if you're really that obsessed with a decent-looking superhero flick.

This article should have gotten me all intrigued about the pilot, but in fact, it just makes me want to see Akira again. Be careful with your mildly unrelated images, /Film!

Ahh, a new Coraline trailer.
If things sort out properly, I'll be seeing this at the Lamar Drafthouse premiere.


The Joaquin Pheonix saga continues. Joaquin, please keep this in mind: just because you know what you're doing is idiotic doesn't make it less idiotic to do.


The House passed its massive stimulus plan.

Israel retaliated to the death of an Israeli soldier today.

Big Business got caught plotting against unions.
I strongly suggest skimming the MP3 of the phone call; it's chilling stuff. At the very least, check this list of highlights with corresponding audio clips.


The aforementioned sleep deficit is no joke; it's something I'm taking seriously this time around. I've even taken a nap, which, for the record, yielded an absurdly cool movie-dream starring Shia LaBeouf as a blind action hero battling a conspiracy.

Otherwise, I'm just excited for pretty much everything that's coming up. It's a good time!

2009 FILMS SEEN: 1.5
Current Computer Situation: MacBook Pro, ready to go into sleep mode.

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